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Receive SMS Online With Free Temporary Phone Numbers has been receiving activation SMS for free for a long time.we providing reliable service with disposable phone numbers. is a free service for receiving mobile phone SMS verification codes online. Registration is not required.

Our service is used to verify accounts via SMS messages on various sites, as well as in mobile applications.

  • - has a large number of temporary phone numbers that allow you to receive text messages from all over the world
  • - You can receive many SMS every day for free. We do not have any limit on the number of SMS messages that each user can get per day.
  • - Your text message will arrive as soon as possible. After receiving the SMS verification or activation SMS, you can receive the verification code sent by us in a few seconds, just refresh the page!
  • - Simple Operation, which consists of 4 steps:
    1) Choose a country,Select a free phone number
    2) Click on the "Copy number" button and copy it to the service that you have chosen
    3) Click on the app to send the verification code
    4) Refresh the page and wait for the SMS to arrive

You should know that Anyone can see text messages from the phone number,Please do not use this phone number to receive important Messages

Sometimes our phone number may be blocked on certain websites. But don't worry. Just use the other temporary numbers on our website!

If you like this Receive SMS Online Service, Please bookmark our website and share it with your friends.

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